Rigs to Reefs

How Decision Analysis resolved a real environmental challenge removing oil rigs

A documentary about a decision analysis project of the year that shows which alternative for decommissioning oil rigs off the California coast made the most sense. The story shows how Decision Analysis can provide clarity in a conflict with competing interests and multiple stake-holders. The insights from the project ultimately resulted in legislation that changed California law.

Rigs to Reefs: How Decision Analysis Resolved an Environmental Controversy

The Rigs to Reefs documentary captures how Decision Analysis can help resolve complex societal issues in a more effective manner than political gridlock. Jonah, a college student studying environmental science, discovers how Decision Analysis helped resolve the issue of what to do with old oil rigs off California’s coast. The project, recipient of the Decision Analysis Society’s Practice Award, demonstrates how Decision Analysis can bring together parties with significantly different points of view and objectives to find a ‘win-win’ solution. Read an Informs article with more detail.