District Leadership and Equity Team Apply Decision Quality
District Leadership and Equity Team Apply Decision Quality
In the beginning of the ever-deepening relationship with DEF, the Eugene School District 4J tested DEF's StrongStart program against their existing bridge program for 9th graders, the result being that they have been running StrongStart ever since.
The 4J District, including former Superintendent Gustavo Balderas, has invited DEF several times to deliver workshops with district leaders and school administrators.
Superintendent Andy Dey sees value in DEF's training as he witnesses leadership teams using the Decision Quality concepts to make major decisions with multiple stakeholders, particularly during the COVID pandemic challenges.

Coming into the 2022-23 school year, DEF is working with the 4J Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Training department. The Equity Decision Making Tool is the product of collaboration between the Eugene School District 4J and the Decision Education Foundation.